Little Giant Creative
Little Giant Creative (LGC) conceptualized and developed A Dream Deferred. The company creates platforms for substantive, wide-ranging and solutions-oriented conversations about how to eliminate systemic barriers to success and create greater equity for all. LGC engages community members and diverse stakeholders. LGC across the spheres of hip hop, visual art, academia, activism and government to affect change.

Meegan Denenberg

Tayyib Smith

Annie Chiu-McCabe
Project Lead
A team of multidisciplinary educators join forces to provide a comprehensive look at the long history of systemic injustice.

Brian Peterson
Director of Makuu Black Cultural Center at UPenn

Tracee Thomas
Writer, Speaker, and Empowerment Coach at Empress Movements

Danae Mobley
Design Strategist and Owner at Retra Studio

Frauke Schnell
Chair of Political Science Department at West Chester University
Data + GIS Analysts
The data and Geographic Information System (GIS) team will develop a hands-on digital map that provides a compelling visualization of the impact of racist policies over generations including present-day issues around poverty, health disparities, and gun violence.
Company: Azavea

Daniel McGlone
Senior GIS Analyst and Cicero Data Manager

Esther Needham
Project Manager

Simon Kassel
Data Analyst
Touch Technologists
Multiple touchscreens will be available to provide an interactive platform that breaks down data and contextualizes history in an engaging and accessible manner.
Company: IB5K

Jacob Ford
Touch Technologist

Jung Lee
Product Specialist

Tom Hallaran
Managing Director of Technology
Artist: Shawn Theodore
A multidisciplinary artist working in photography, videography, and collage, Theodore's practice merges real and hypothesized mythological black experiences set within contemporary black environments.

Shawn Theodore
Copywriter + Translator
In order to raise awareness about the complicated prejudicial laws and social policies that impact our lives, we will translate dense academic information into plainspoken, accessible, and relatable language.

Maya Francis
Writer & Strategist
The documentary will provide personal narratives that weave together the many faces and sites of redlining in Philadelphia.
Company: Kuyamba Media

Malkia Lydia

Rashid Zakat
To help us understand the impact of this multilayered project both qualitatively and quantitatively we will collect data throughout the course of of the project, including exhibit attendance, interaction and public reception. The evaluation surveys are designed in an engaging game-like format. Recordings from the confessional booth are an organic evaluation method that will be used to measure the impact of the exhibit.
Company: Thicket Labs

Deepthi Welaratna

Valerie Evering
Our docents assist and support visitor's experience at the exhibit. While providing a welcoming atmosphere and deep knowledge of redlining, they will be available during opening hours of the exhibit.

Tieshka Smith

Russell Hicks

Staci Moore

Denise Valentine